This is a very simple concept but may businesses struggle to consistently achieve it. In our Business Consulting practice we work with many clients who truly value service. What does “truly valuing service” really look like? I was speaking with a Business Associate of mine and he commented that he recently purchased a very high-end truck….

By definition, “state of mind” is a temporary psychological state. We have many triggers that may cause the temporary state. (Fear, stress, excitement, a big deal closes, loss of a key employee, health challenges, just to name a few) “Fears are nothing more than a state of mind” – (Napoleon Hill, author 1883-1970)

In business, we see many different angles on this thought. As business owners or sales professionals we all have to generate sales and revenue. There are many companies that have instilled the culture to “always be closing” (ABC).  They sometimes push and prod until we agree or get annoyed.

Little Red Riding Hood said she was going to Grandma’s house. She seemed to be pretty clear on that part of things. Being able to ‘say’ where we are going, some will tell us, is ‘it’, the golden fleece, the answer to success in business. When the business Executive struggles with this question, things can…

In my business experience, it is wonderful to see when individuals Network with the “intent” on building a solid, long term relationship. They are not handing out their business cards like a Black Jack dealer. Networking is defined as a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest….

In our part of the world, (Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia) we are seeing and feeling the business engines starting to turn on…..Big time! Within our business community (Edmonton) and with our corporate clients it is common to hear 20%, 35% or 50% growth projections in business in the next 12 to 18 months. These…

As a farm kid growing up in Saskatchewan, I was always aware of the importance of producing good crops.  It was vital to everyone.  It helped drive the economy and feed many families.”  Mike Mack, X5 Management You may be asking, what does farming in Saskatchewan have to do with business and this report? I’ve…

Permission is not something one thinks one needs as an adult. That is for kids and those you manage or direct in some way. The boss gives or withholds permission. The rest of us are receivers. Yet, what about permission to tell the truth, as in naming the elephant in the room? What about permission…

Guest blog by Arnold McLaughlin I am at a stage in my life, nearing 77 years, where it is difficult to remember what was “original” with me, or something I picked up from someone else. I used the phrase, “drop a pebble” way back when I started in my business and sales activities.

Pitfalls in assessing your business It can be very illuminating to conduct an assessment of a business. Some of the problems associated in doing one of these for one’s own business is the subliminal pressure to give the ‘right’ answers. We all want to look good, especially when we suspect that someone else is going…

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