Guest blog by Arnold McLaughlin

I am at a stage in my life, nearing 77 years, where it is difficult to remember what was “original” with me, or something I picked up from someone else. I used the phrase, “drop a pebble” way back when I started in my business and sales activities.The words are now used by others, by those whom I have shared the statement with directly, and in print, particularly in the book titled, “Six Pixels of Separation”, written by Mitch Joel.

The words work! This I can say with certainty based on using them in most of my years working in sales and business. It’s amazing what occurs when you consciously work at making something happen with the people that you are in contact with, or said another way, where you have a point of contacting someone just to see what will stem from that “ripple” that touches them.

I am not talking about “just making contact”, as all of us are capable of of doing that. I am suggesting that when we focus on a particular situation/opportunity, a specific business, or individual, and we “drop a pebble”, then follow the ripples the pebble creates.

One of the beautiful things that happens when we use the “drop a pebble” premise, it becomes a habit, and something that occurs automatically. When the habit is fully entrenched, we do it at every opportunity without thinking about it……it’s just what we do!

When we reflect on a particular situation, or a day/week, and we realize a great deal of what has been accomplished was so “easy”, simply because of how we do things. It actually gives us a “wow” moment. The pleasure that we can experience comes from having these “wow” moments occur over and over again, without having to work at it. Therein, lies the secret.

From all of this comes a joy that many people unfortunately will not experience. As Business owners, Sales Professionals, and entrepreneurs we are so fortunate to not have a “job” but rather the experience of getting out of bed each and every day, looking forward to the next challenge, the next opportunity, the next success story. How lucky are those of us who practice the “drop a pebble” habit, and get to experience the exciting outcomes that result?

Over the years, “drop a pebble” has expanded to every aspect of my life. Meeting Mike Mack of X5 Management occurred at the personal level. The first time we acknowledged each other at a vacation spot, many years ago started with “hello!” The following year, same location, same dates, it was expanded to “good morning, how are you?” The year after, our valued friendship ensued. That was the start…over twelve years ago, that we learned of our mutual interests, beliefs and a whole lot of other items that helped establish our friendship and of course the foundation of our LRT towards one another. (Like, Respect and Trust) It also became the strong underpinning for our business involvement that goes on today.

One of the most valued things that has occurred over these past dozen years is the fact that I can count Mike as a superb friend and business associate. This……….in spite of the fact that I am three decades older (perhaps wiser 🙂 ) than he is, and we share in this highly valued connection.

So at the end of all of this commentary……………..”drop a pebble” at every opportunity and see where the ripple takes you. Good luck!

Happy Holidays from the Team at X5 Management.

Arnold McLaughlin, Commercial Realtor Vancouver, BC. (Business Advisor to X5 Management) Arnold has served as a mentor and business advisor to Mike Mack, founder of X5 Management Inc. for many years and his experience and wisdom has served Mike and X5 well during this time frame. He is currently licensed with Macdonald Realty Ltd., in Vancouver, B.C. His real estate career has focused only on commercial sales and leasing for the entire 40 years that he has been licensed. He has had longstanding and proven success over these many years and is still active in the profession because of his passion for sales, allowing him to stay sharp day by day.He is a gifted communicator and has a natural ability to work a room and build meaningful relationships with ease. His recall for information is exceptional and allows him to add value to those that he serves, each and every day. Arnold’s complete Bio is posted on X5 Management. (Our Team)

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