X5 Management colleague Mike Mack and I had an opportunity to sit down with a prospective client last week. He was speaking about some of the challenges that his sales people were facing in an ever more competitive world. As the business owner, he had absolutely no trouble asking questions and then listening to the answers,…

Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA As you sit here today on a hopefully sunny, warm Thursday reading the latest X5 blog, I will challenge you to reflect on your current life and your habits – both professional and personal. Habits are things we all have – whether they are good or bad. Perhaps drinking…

Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA Are you a current or aspiring leader? Leadership is not an easy task, nor always a desired one. It is likely one of boardroom leadership the most challenging positions within an organization, no matter the level, size, location, or industry.

This month’s CROPS Report has a focus on risk management. What are you doing to mitigate your business risk?

Guest blog by Dennis Bridges, MBA Last week my colleague Matt Graff wrote ” Prep for the Big Win ”, a great article about the correlation between preparation and success. The article was inspired in part by Pro Basketball player Kobe Bryant and Darren Hardy’s Super Achievers presentation at X5’s event on March 5th.

Guest blog by Dennis Bridges, MBA In the past few weeks the X5 blog has been exploring the concept of LRT or Like, Respect and Trust and how it relates to business success.  Last week I attended a workshop on effective leadership and two questions were posed to the group, to which few had definitive…

As a farm kid growing up in Saskatchewan, I was always aware of the importance of producing good crops.  It was vital to everyone.  It helped drive the economy and feed many families.”  Mike Mack, X5 Management You may be asking, what does farming in Saskatchewan have to do with business and this report? I’ve…

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