Guest blog by Dennis Bridges, MBA

In the past few weeks the X5 blog has been exploring the concept of LRT or Like, Respect and Trust and how it relates to business success.  Last week I attended a workshop on effective leadership and two questions were posed to the group, to which few had definitive answers.

  • What makes an effective leader?
  • Are people born leaders or can they learn to be leaders over time?

When I think of people in my life that I consider great leaders I realize they are also people I like, respect and trust.  Moreover, they’re the type of people that like, respect and trust others both in their personal and professional lives.  A great leader is different from a great manager. Leaders are willing to delegate tasks and trust that they will get done, accepting that sometimes things will go wrong but their people will eventually develop the skills to deal with those challenges autonomously.  A great leader inspires others to work harder and more efficiently by providing a clear vision and purpose both for the company and its individuals.  They don’t let employees put unfinished work on their desk at five O’clock, or worse, take unfinished work from employees because they feel it may not get finished on time.  Rather, they empower others to solve problems on their own by holding others accountable and offering guidance and support.


  1. Like, respect and trust their employees
  2. Outline and demonstrate a clear vision and purpose
  3. Empower others to solve problems autonomously
  4. Hold themselves and others accountable for outcomes

After considering these characteristics the answer tothe second question is easier to answer.  After all, with a little effort and focus anyone can do these four things.  It should be acknowledged that some people are born with a greater desire to lead, but anyone can become a more effective leader by concentrating on these four bullets. Do you consider yourself an effective leader and empower your employees?  Or, do you know or work with an effective leader that empowers you in your work?  Share and comment below.


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