I’m sure most of us have experienced a really great business presentation, witnessed athletes overcoming great odds, or taken in an unbelievable musical performance.  Often times we are awestruck at what these successful individuals accomplish and are capable of.   You may hear things like, “that person is a natural” or  “imagine what I could…

I’m sure most of us have experienced a really great business presentation, witnessed athletes overcoming great odds, or taken in an unbelievable musical performance.  Often times we are awestruck at what these successful individuals accomplish and are capable of.  You may hear things like, “that person is a natural” or  “imagine what I could do…

Guest blog by Dennis Bridges, MBA This week’s blog is about relationships, how important they are to business success, and how you can make them stronger.  Take our latest X5 Maven event as an example.  The X5 Mavens are a collection of trusted advisors and business leaders from the city of Edmonton that have and…

By definition, “state of mind” is a temporary psychological state. We have many triggers that may cause the temporary state. (Fear, stress, excitement, a big deal closes, loss of a key employee, health challenges, just to name a few) “Fears are nothing more than a state of mind” – (Napoleon Hill, author 1883-1970)

Little Red Riding Hood said she was going to Grandma’s house. She seemed to be pretty clear on that part of things. Being able to ‘say’ where we are going, some will tell us, is ‘it’, the golden fleece, the answer to success in business. When the business Executive struggles with this question, things can…

In my business experience, it is wonderful to see when individuals Network with the “intent” on building a solid, long term relationship. They are not handing out their business cards like a Black Jack dealer. Networking is defined as a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest….

In our part of the world, (Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia) we are seeing and feeling the business engines starting to turn on…..Big time! Within our business community (Edmonton) and with our corporate clients it is common to hear 20%, 35% or 50% growth projections in business in the next 12 to 18 months. These…

As a farm kid growing up in Saskatchewan, I was always aware of the importance of producing good crops.  It was vital to everyone.  It helped drive the economy and feed many families.”  Mike Mack, X5 Management You may be asking, what does farming in Saskatchewan have to do with business and this report? I’ve…

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