I’m sure most of us have experienced a really great business presentation, witnessed athletes overcoming great odds, or taken in an unbelievable musical performance.  Often times we are awestruck at what these successful individuals accomplish and are capable of.  

You may hear things like, “that person is a natural” or  “imagine what I could do if I was given that kind of talent.”  I would agree that these individuals are extremely talented, but they are also doing something that the majority of the world is not; they are Preparing for the Big Win. Whatever the discipline, whatever the challenge, the way you prepare ultimately dictates your level of success.

Early last week, the team at X5 Management brought Darren Hardy, Publisher of SUCCESS magazine to Edmonton to share the “Productivity Strategies of Super Achievers.” A key takeaway for me was that success is determined by the way we prepare for our days, our weeks and our years. The most successful amongst us prepare and act as if they are going to win and focus on continuous improvement and development.  They take the time to plan and structure their lives around their goals and commit to hard work to ultimately make their vision a reality.

I experienced a great example of this level of dedication and personal sacrifice through attending a Los Angeles Lakers basketball game in California.  My siblings and I were very excited to watch Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant in action. Always known for his talent and skill, it was what we noticed and experienced outside of the gameplay that left us captivated. He was the first one on the floor during warm-up and often stays late after games to work on his jump shot.   He was the first team member in the gym and the last one to leave. Kobe preps to win day in and day out.  Although Kobe Bryant and the Lakers did lose that particular game, his continuous pursuit of constant improvement and preparation, have made him a 5-time World Champion and one of the greatest basketball players of all time.  He is a prime example that success takes perseverance and hard work no matter what your skill level is.

I encourage you to show up to work, to your family life and all that you pursue with a level of focus like Darren Hardy, Kobe Bryant and other great world achievers. Preparation and planning can often seem daunting and scary. However, it is evident that those who prepare well reap the rewards.  Committing to these success fundamentals will lead to the highest level of accomplishment and personal fulfillment. We are all capable of greatness if we prepare ourselves for our own big win.

photo credit: Keith Allison via photopin cc

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