Considering the current realities of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the overall impact on the economy, it’s critical that every business elevates their service levels and wows all customers that come in contact with their business. It’s always been important to deliver world-class service to customers…but it’s more important than ever in 2022 and beyond….

Whether a customer walks through your front doors, phones in, or checks your company’s website enquiring about your products or services, their experience will form a lasting impression of your organization. This impression can create ripple effects as they form opinions on whether or not to conduct current or future business with you and tell…

When it comes to outshining your competition, the solution is simple: all you have to do is master the right customer service skills. You already understand that without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business. And yes, it’s true that some customers can be difficult to please. But at the end of the day, their…

“Your leaders are the megaphone for the company’s culture. In a world of soundbites and tweets, our leaders have a moral obligation in what they say and how they behave.” – Michael Fraccaro, Chief People Officer MasterCard Experience the Competitive Advantages of Strategic Company Culture Most companies list customer service as their main competitive advantage and…

Positive customer relationships, not surprisingly, can make or break the success of your business. Just think about it: how likely are customers to become returning customers if they don’t have a positive relationship with your business and your brand? The problem is, many businesses aren’t sure where to start with building these relationships. Instead, they…

Today, I want to tell you about Joe Ammar, River City Events, and their incredible customer service. I am blessed to call Joe Ammar, President & CEO of River City Events, a dear friend. I hold him in very high regard. He is a pillar of the Edmonton community and there hasn’t been an event…

Most business owners have dealt with frustrated or upset customers at some point. If you’ve been in business long enough, it’s virtually unavoidable. But what isn’t unavoidable is taking important steps to manage these situations and resolve the conflict. Upset Customers Don’t Have to Remain Upset How do your team members or customer service reps…

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