Elvis Presley is still regarded as the “King of Rock and Roll” and through his concert career it became a standard line from his show announcers to say that Elvis, aka “The King” has left the building. (Meaning, the show is over – go home…..he wasn’t coming back for an encore). It is still used…

With our economy shifting gears in late 2014, we are still not certain on the outcome of moving forward. Those of us that sell a product or service are hoping that we can get through the remainder of 2015 with flying colors, but that story has yet to unfold.

As consumers, we are constantly buying something that we want or need. Some items are big like a house and some are small like a toothbrush. The product that we buy seems to relate to our expectations and patience with the sales process and of course with the level of service associated with the sale….

The first Thursday of each month features a “best of” X5 Management blog. The intent is to showcase and revisit some of our blogs from the past. We hope you enjoy them! Have you thought about your customer service strategy for the remainder of 2015 and beyond?  Perhaps this may include asking customers for more feedback…

As a proud member of several different business associations and networks in Edmonton, I have enjoyed participating in many networking events throughout this great city. What I enjoy most about these events is being “social” with fellow members and guests. While business often arises from meeting and connecting with great people it is never about…

Have you ever thought about attempting to measure the return on your customer service investments?  Is your organization aware of the lifetime value of your customers? Questions such as these are good reference points when thinking about and critically looking at your own customer service initiatives.  The lifetime value of a customer is the total revenue…

The first Thursday of each month features a “best of” X5 Management blog. The intent is to showcase and revisit some of our most popular blogs from the past. We hope you enjoy them! I recently decided to join a toastmasters club in Edmonton.  Although I was hesitant at first I am now very pleased with…

When you mention the idea of training or professional development to your team, how do they react to this? Does your team recognize that this is a necessary part of any successful sales or customer service program or are they concerned about taking time away from their work and current customer commitments?

Every business has a list of ideal customers and prospects that they would like to speak directly to, call upon and ultimately secure a deal with.  Sales and customer service reps may also wish to build stronger relationships with current customers but not know how to best communicate with them. At X5, in many of our…

I recently finished reading a book called “Unique Ability” that is based on a concept by Dan Sullivan. (Dan is the creator/founder of the Strategic Coach Program). Unique Ability explores the idea of leveraging and maximizing the potential that is distinctive to each of us.  The principle behind this is that everyone possesses a combination of talents,…

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