With COVID-19 challenges impacting every person and business around the globe, now more than ever, Customer Service is critical to business survival and success. Organizations that build Remarkable Service demonstrate value to their customers, even before the ‘cheque is cut’, and do little things that make all the difference. Remarkable Service must be part of…

In my opinion and belief, any business in any industry can create Remarkable Service! It’s a choice, but in order to do so, you must create the Vision of what a remarkable business would look like in your customer’s eyes. Now you need to Align your entire team to move in the same direction and…

Year after year and decade after decade, customer service ranks among the most important factors when evaluating business success. In the end all businesses are human endeavors, which means people talking to people. Customers never forget how a business made them feel, for better or for worse, so it is extremely important that the customer…

X5 President, Mike Mack, had an opportunity to be interviewed by one of the leading Podcasters, in North America. Joel Boggess – ReLaunch Show (#1 podcast on iTunes *(Interview starts at the 7-minute mark of the podcast) Joel refers to Mike as his “Canadian correspondent” as Joel had Mike on this Podcast other times in…

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