In my previous X5 blog, I discussed five characteristics of success that contribute to the development of great sales teams. In this edition, I build upon each of those characteristics and discuss how you may apply those principles to your business and sales/service teams. 1. Hire Great People You need to know the skills you…

Do you take advantage of having advisory support or mentorship within your business or organization? Do your sales and service professionals have someone they can rely upon to support them through difficult challenges, while helping them to succeed? Mentors in sales and service programs can help guide individuals or employees throughout their personal and career…

Building a team is easy. All you do is hire people that you like, put them all into a group and the team will form. Or is it that simple? As a society, we have been inundated with sports highlights of the stars making a great shot, the great play, the ESPN or TSN play…

The first Thursday of each month features a “best of” X5 Management blog. The intent is to showcase and revisit some of our blogs from the past. We hope you enjoy them! When you mention the idea of training or professional development to your team, how do they react to this? Does your team recognize…

I am the eternal optimist and “almost” always see the glass half full. Do you see your glass half full?….or half empty? If we can spend more time thinking about what we have, or what is possible in our life, there is a greater opportunity to be optimistic…agreed?? “Optimism doesn’t wait on facts. It deals…

This is a concept I learned from Darren Hardy, Publisher of SUCCESS magazine and author of the New York Times Bestselling book, “The Compound Effect” It is simple to understand, but more difficult to implement. If you think about your day like a bookend, your morning is on one side and your evening is on the…

While coaching clients and executives, I often utilize this simple model to help people to the next level of performance. If you want to improve on a particular aspect of your life, you must have a balance of Focus, Will and Capability. Let’s look at golf for a moment. To hit the perfect shot, consistently,…

We all have things that we have done and we all have some things left undone. Ask yourself the question:  Why have I started and completed certain goals, actions, or tasks in my life? Now ask the next question: Why have I not yet completed certain goals, actions, or tasks in my life? I remember…

Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA As you sit here today on a hopefully sunny, warm Thursday reading the latest X5 blog, I will challenge you to reflect on your current life and your habits – both professional and personal. Habits are things we all have – whether they are good or bad. Perhaps drinking…

Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA Are you a current or aspiring leader? Leadership is not an easy task, nor always a desired one. It is likely one of boardroom leadership the most challenging positions within an organization, no matter the level, size, location, or industry.

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