Collaboration, teamwork, idea sharing and prioritizing organizational initiatives all seem like they would be foundations to business growth and success. All organizations have specific challenges and opportunities that require discussion and attention in order to move forward in a positive direction. However, very few growing organizations take the time to work “on” their business for planning, communicating as a team, and confronting the issues that stifle productivity and team development.

Recently, our team conducted a survey with some of our business connections in the Edmonton community. The intent of the survey was to identify what topics on team training and development would be most beneficial to stimulate team development and success. Below is a list of the top employee training and development topics on the “wish list”, based on our survey along with a brief about

Effective Communication: Effective communication amongst organizations and their teams can be the number one success contributor. Having systems in place that keeps employees informed, engaged and productive is key.

Customers Service skills: Do your team members relay a consistent message to your customers? Is it remarkable? Getting feedback from your customers on your products and services and applying/implementing their suggestions will help retain them.

Creating daily habits that get results: From the time you wake up, go to work, serve your customers, have dinner with your family and finally go to bed, your habits matter. Good habits are valuable and some “bad” habits can drain momentum and results.

Dealing with Conflict: Workplace conflict can be a significant distraction and productivity killer. It can also break up teams and result in employees leaving their jobs because of unhealthy relationships. Identify the cause of these issues and why the conflict exists. Learn how to collaborate with your colleagues and customers.

Sales Management: How do you coach and lead your sales team? Managing and communicating expectations from the top down will help sales team members understand what they are doing well and where they may be able to improve. Do you inspect what you expect?


If your business is approved for The Canada-Alberta Job Grant, this grant will cover 2/3 of the cost of new training initiatives, to a maximum of $10,000 per employee to a maximum of $300,000 for organization. This is a way to realize a return on your investment, as the grant requires your business to pay for your training cost when training starts. You will receive 1/3 of that training cost shortly after your initial investment. At the end of the training (e.g. 6-12 months) your business will receive an additional 1/3 of that total training cost that you invested in your employees. How’s that for a return? Canada-Alberta Job Grant FAQ

Our business, X5 Management is excited about this great news for Alberta business for several reasons:

  1. It is a tremendous opportunity to realize a return on your training costs.
  2. The Grant encourages Alberta business to invest in their employees now.
  3. Investing in your employees can reap future benefits for your business when the economy heats up again…..and it will.

Now is the time to invest in your greatest asset….your Team. Training and development will get your business ready for future growth opportunities!

X5 Management offers an extensive list of Sales & Service related courses/workshops that can support the training needs of virtually any business, in any industry. If your business wants to take advantage of the grant so that you can expand on your Sales & Service related training for your employees X5 would be pleased to discuss your organization’s training needs. Contact X5:

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