Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA

Have you ever found yourself saying: “Hindsight is 20/20”? I have definitely said it a few times in recent memory and this popular phrase sheds light on a great life lesson – the importance of reflection.

Reflection on our past actions offers us opportunities for growth, change and re-alignment.

As you reflect back on 2012, what are your key moments of personal and professional success? Back in January you may have set goals, have you achieved them? Are there areas you should have invested more time and effort on throughout the year? What held you back?

As we move forward it is important to focus on our future, yet learn from our past. The upcoming year brings with it a fresh start, a new beginning and the chance to turn over a new leaf (so the common sayings go).

I have compiled a few favourite X5 lessons from 2012 to help you positively kick-start a new year:

Relationships are key to business success. Establishing and nurturing strong relationships will lead to future growth.
Write it down. Recording and sharing your strategic plans will keep you on track and hold the right people accountable.
Perfect your process. Investing time, resources and expertise will help with streamlining your business process.
People powered. Building a strong and positive work culture is imperative in attaining your company’s vision.
Persistence pays off. Demonstrating a need to your customers and not giving up are key factors in selling effectively.
Manage your risks. Understanding your company’s risks helps in planning and implementing solutions to mitigate them.
Never stop. Never stop learning. Never stop improving. Never stop striving for success.
As the year comes to a close, remember to celebrate your successes, learn and grow from your mistakes, and move forward into 2013 with a positive attitude and frame of mind. I wish you all the best as you turn over a new leaf.

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