These 3 basic things can have a tremendous impact on our life, our business and our sales results and WE can control them. Would you agree?

I learned this back when I attended a Jack Canfield “Breakthrough to Success” conference in Arizona. How we think, learn and live can have a significant impact on our life and destiny.

The exciting news for me is that I actually believed it was true before and Jack’s message was simply a validation. Having said that, it is not always easy to control or change any of them!!

Definition: A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.

Definition: Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.

 Definition: The circumstances or conditions that surround us. (our surroundings). 
(Physical, financial relationships, spiritual)

Mindset vs. skill set vs. environment: it all adds up.
Mindset vs. skill set vs. environment: it all adds up.
How we were raised or the people we learned from growing up had a tremendous impact on our mindset.
 It can be so deep that it is hard to change your ways and beliefs. Someone may say, “I could never do that, because….” “Someone may say, “I did that 10 times and it was amazing.” We need to tweak/modify our “fixed mental attitude” if we want to believe what can be possible in business and sales, even if we haven’t done or tried something before. (That is why the world of coaching and training is in demand……people want to change, but don’t know how to change).

We all have the opportunity to improve upon our skill set. Can we become more efficient at something we desire? Can we read more, learn more, build more valuable relationships? Can we find a mentor that can teach us things we never dreamed were possible? One of the things that I am most proud of is that I have many mentors in my life. People like, Arnold, Harvey, Al, Vernon, and Eden. They have taught me many things, and the exciting news……….I actually listened to them!

Our environment in which we live can be the most challenging to change, at least in my opinion. The environment in which we spend the majority of our time has many moving parts. Who we live with or spend time with. (How do they impact the way in which we think, or dream?) Our physical condition. Do we have energy to try and do new things? (If we don’t, can we do something about changing that?….Yes!) Is our financial environment impeding us from taking our life to the next level? (How can you change that….even in a small and progressive way?)

After reading this week’s Blog do you feel or believe that you can change/control your mindset, skill set, or environment? What changes can you make TODAY to modify where you, your sales and your business are destined to go?

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