Today is a significant day for the X5 team and several Edmonton Business Community members.  X5 Management’s CEO Mike Mack is a proud member of the Edmonton Synergy Network of Edmonton.  The Synergy Network is a “private group of over 90 business and Meet, Enjoy and Synergizecommunity leaders that has existed for 29 years, and who share ideas and promote fellowship among its members in a non-competitive environment.”

Why is today significant? Because it is the annual Synergy Network Fall social, which draws nearly 400 members and guests together.  This represents a great opportunity to connect and synergize with both familiar and new faces attending the event.  The goal of the fall social is to provide all attendees with a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere to network and build relationships. Are you and your organization part of a group or association outside of work of which you feel particularly proud?  Does your business take the time to build lasting, meaningful relationships? At X5, we believe in “networking for keeps” and building long-term relationships with other Edmonton Business Community members. The Fall Social provides our team with the opportunity to do just that, “Meet, Enjoy and Synergize.”  – The tagline from Synergy Network Edmonton.

Meet, Enjoy and SynergizeThere are many opportunities that exist to get involved in the Edmonton Business Community and learn about other individuals and the unique businesses they represent.  Whether you are involved in Synergy, Toastmasters, the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, the South Edmonton Business Association, the West Edmonton Business Association, or the Nisku Business Association, opportunity to expand your network exists around every corner.  However, so many of us do not take the time to reach out, get involved and meet other people whom we may be able to learn something valuable from. The other people attending these events may hold the key to our advanced career growth, perhaps a referral, or might just be a potential customer.

With social media marketing on the rise, and sales lead generation being driven primarily online and through email and telephone, the frequency of face-to-face business development has declined.  However, business success ultimately comes down to the ability to build and maintain valuable relationships. At the end of the day there truly isn’t a better way to connect with someone than through a face-to-face conversation.  This represents an opportunity to demonstrate a genuine interest in another’s pursuits, interests and their business. I challenge you to schedule a networking or business association event into your calendar today.  Take note of where the event and the relationships take you and your business as you look to create and develop positive habits to make 2014 your best business year yet.

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