Mike Mack and Dennis Bridges
Business Strategists
X5 Management

Over the past 4 months the team at X5 has been working on developing a new website with the support of one of our strategic partners, Hybrid Forge.

We looked at all aspects of our business.   What do we do?  Why do we do it?  How do we do what we do?We had to ensure that we focused on all aspects of our business and ideally make it resonate with our target audience:  Medium to large corporate enterprises.

Another key component was including our Service Guarantee.   “X5 Management GUARANTEES the satisfaction of its customer. If our customer is not completely satisfied with the value of ourservices, we will, either waive professional fees, or accept a portion of those fees that reflects the customer’s level of satisfaction.”

The process of developing a new website has taught us many things:

  • We learned more about ourselves, and the true value of our offering.
  • How we can best serve our customers and prospective customers.
  • How clarity of direction can bring a team even closer together and compound existing momentum.

In addition, we had to ensure that we had future capacity and add-on functionality of our website and making it user-friendly.  The site needed to be more than a billboard; it had to become a toolthat could make us better at what we do.  With help from the experts at Hybrid Forge we were able to create a website that is a business content resource for our customers, a forum for discussion, a medium for coordinating events, and an online tool that can give custom feedback instantly to business owners about how they can start improving their businesses today, based on what they are currently doing. (X5 Business Accelerator Tool)

We welcome your feedback on our new website and the services that X5 provides.

Best wishes for a strong finish to 2012.



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