In sales planning, routine, consistency and productivity are critical to your success.  Consistent daily action and scheduling high-payoff activities into your weeks can take your sales game to the next level. As summer approaches, have you scheduled time off just as you would schedule all of your important client and business meetings? Do you have a plan to re-charge and reward yourself for the success you achieved so far this year

Often time’s individuals in sales have a difficult time shutting off and stepping away from the day-to-day demands of both their business and their clients. However like any profession, takX5 sales vacationing a break from the exciting and demanding sales world can elevate your sales game.

Taking time away from your sales role is key to staying energized, relaxed and motivated to achieve more after you return. When you are energized and motivated, you will increase performance and be happier as a result. Don’t believe you can take the time? Do you believe that your clients must be able to access you 24/7?  Think again. Follow these 5 simple steps to turn your summer sales dream vacation into a reality:

1)  Just Book It: Often times the most inhibiting part of actually taking a vacation is the lack of ability to commit to doing it.  Pick your favorite destination, hotel or event and book it today. The rest will unfold after you take this step.

2)  Set your Sales Schedule Around it:  The earlier you book your vacation, the easier it will be to plan and book your meetings and calls around it.  Scheduling your vacation far enough in advance will increase the likelihood that you actually take time off.

3)  Inform the Right Players: Let your boss, colleagues and necessary clients know about your vacation well in advance.  They will most likely be more understanding than you may think and it might just inspire them to do the same.

4) Resist Working while Away: It may be very tempting to check work emails, return calls or work on that proposal while on your break.  However, you booked this time off for a reason! Your work will be waiting for you when you return.

5) If you Must:  If you feel the need to stay connected to work or do something work related while away, try sending a few postcards to the office or important clients.  It is easy to do and shows that you are keeping those in your professional world top of mind.

photo credit:kevin dooley via photopin cc


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