X5 Management has partnered with The Canadian Diversity Initiative and are pleased to offer diversity and inclusion training online. We’re proud of the quality of our diversity and inclusion courses that we have bundled, for ease of learning. We know this self-directed and effective training will supply the learning needed to help any team better understand the importance of an effective workplace that supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Certificate of Successful Completion will create a sense of accomplishment, too.

X5 Management will be able to provide each employer a dashboard for tracking training enrollment dates and successful completion dates for each module. Each employer can decide reasonable deadlines of completion so that employees are trained in a contained period. New employees can be added to the employer dashboard at any time. This DEI tracking resource will ensure training efforts are aligned with expectations, and the training is consistently being taken with minimal follow-up.

Available X5 Management DEI Online Training Courses:

Respect and Inclusion in the Workplace

Safety Services Canada works to provides employers and employees with the knowledge and training necessary to work safely. They endorse this course as a key educational component of occupational health and safety training. Diversity encompasses all of the ways that we are different from each other, including factors like ethnicity, culture, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. In a respectful, inclusive workplace, diversity is valued, and individuals feel safe and appreciated. This course explores both acceptable and unacceptable workplace attitudes and behaviors. Participants learn how to identify situations involving discrimination, harassment, or bullying, and how to respond appropriately. Interactive exercises help learners gain practical insights into ways to build and support a more inclusive workplace environment.

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Unconscious biases affect everyone. In the workplace, these biases can undermine logical decision-making and create an unfair playing field, where some people have advantages over others. This course shows common types of unconscious bias, examines the negative effects on individuals and organizations, and provides practical tips for mitigating those effects. Interactive exercises help to reinforce key concepts and give opportunities for participants to consider their own biases and explore ways to overcome them, and support a more respectful, inclusive workplace culture.

Canadian Indigenous Culture Training – Truth and Reconciliation

This course was created by The Indigenous Leadership Development Institute of Canada as a core training tool for organizations working with Indigenous Peoples. Participants learn about the diverse histories of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples and the challenges and opportunities they face today. Content aligns with the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action (2015). This training helps participants gain understanding of the Indigenous perspective on key issues and developments, including: the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal-Crown relations.

LGBTQ2+ Diversity and Inclusion Training for Workplaces

The Canadian LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce created this introductory course as a foundational step for organizations seeking to create an LGBT+ inclusive workplace culture. Participants learn about the history, current issues, and terminology associated with LGBT+ identities, and the challenges faced by LGBT+ individuals in the workplace. Interactive exercises offer opportunities for learners to evaluate the existing workplace environment and explore ways to support an inclusive culture where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.


Since 2006, the team at X5 Management has been supporting Alberta-based customers in a variety of industries with tailored Training, Coaching and Consulting Services to improve Sales Performance, Customer Service, Teamwork, Leadership Development and Communication. X5 aligns teams to achieve. Our programs avoid bringing cookie cutter solutions to unique and industry specific challenges. We tailor our Coaching and Training Solutions to meet the needs of your organization and team. X5 has contributed to a long list of successful businesses.

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