We are all customers with many different businesses. Whether it is the dentist, dry cleaner, car dealership, fast-food restaurant or grocery store, we receive a product or service for our money. We expect many things in return, but what do we really want?

I have asked many people this question in the past and the answers vary. Some want better prices, faster service, and shorter line-ups. Some want the business to answer the phone on the first ring….and some want things that are so unrealistic and absurd that you can never please them.

Ultimately, most of us really want a few basic, yet consistent things:

    • We want to be treated with respect. (This must be a two-way street) Customers need to show respect too!
    • We want to be shown empathy, when appropriate.
    • We want to be heard and listened to.
    • We want a fair transaction.
    • We sometimes want a relationship. (Whom can I call when there is a problem?) When a business can figure this out, they have you as a customer for a long time.

Some businesses do this extremely well and many others don’t hit the mark on this.

My advice to consumers or customers: Inspect what you expect! Make it clear what you want and expect and challenge your service or product supplier to deliver on those expectations. You do pay for it! All the best to you (the valued customer) in your pursuit of remarkable customer service.


photo credit: 13th Floor Music via photopin (license)

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